Not Your Honey is a student run initiative focused on promoting gender-based equity and combating gender violence in Middelburg. We value inclusivity, empathy, kindness and justice while we pursue a culture of transparency. We practice active listening, and strive to constantly educate ourselves and each other on issues surrounding safety and gender-based violence in our community and around the world.
We aim to combat sexual and gender-based harassment and violence by amplifying the voices of victims. We also hope to be a platform for positive change and action in the local community through dialogue, so that we may reduce the incidences of harassment and violence. We plan to organise artistic and creative protests as well as movie screenings, panel discussions, lectures, and workshops, in addition to continuous meetings with UCR and local representatives to build policies that ensure everyone's safety. Our internal structure is the WAT, which stands for Weekly Admin Team: anybody can join the WAT after attending 3 consecutive meeting. If you are interested in the activities we organize but do not want to be part of the WAT do not worry! You can join our WhatsApp group chat so you can be be up to date with the events we organize. Please don’t hesitate to contact any of us, if you have questions or suggestions. Contact: Email: [email protected] Instagram: @notyourhoney_zeeland Facebook: Not Your Honey - Zeeland |