FemmeTalk is a feminism group here at UCR. Our idea is to get the community talking about issues that we feel need to be discussed, and we provide a safe place to do so. Feminism is at the core of the group's principles, and this means we advocate for equality and equity, primarily the rights of women, as well as minorities that experience prejudice in society. As a board we advocate for intersectionality, a term coined by Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw, which is the belief that society is structured as a patriarchy, favouring certain members of society over others, which translates into us all having access to differing levels of privilege based on whether or not we fit society's ideals. We believe this helps us understand better everybody's positionality when they contribute in our meetings. That being said, there is no expectation on anyone to contribute or to be overly familiar with each topic or different schools of feminist thought; our conversations are generally unstructured and go wherever our members want to take it! We pride ourselves on no topic being too big for us to tackle as a group, and have therefore discussed subjects such as rape culture, feminist pornography, gender-neutral bathrooms, veganism and ecofeminism, cancel culture, toxic relationships, and many more!
We take a very relaxed approach to our meetings, and whilst conversations can feel heavy at times, we have found that our members really value having a safe space to explore these issues outside of academic or purely social contexts. Often, we'll have a cup of tea together which encourages all that are present to relax and feel comfortable. Its actually a really nice space to meet new people, exchange ideas and feel a sense of solidarity. Everybody is welcome to attend, and we post about our events on our Facebook page several days in advance. If you'd like to join a meeting, please do so! To get in touch with us, email [email protected] or message us via Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/femmetalkmiddelburg |